Friday, August 7, 2009

Balto Info

HI AGAIN...:) *proper languege* american I'm very sorry the pics are backwards...I took these myself.

Balto is a UNIVERSAL movie about a husky/wolf dog who is in a town in Nome, Alaska. He falls in love with a pure breed Husky named Jenna (me:shes kinda scary in the 2nd and third movie)
Nome goes through a scary epidemic Diptheria when they run out of anti-toxin. There is also a BIG blizzard! Balto has to run six-hundred miles to pick up anti-toxin. Can he pull it off?

Movies: Balto, Balto 2:Wolf Quest, Balto 3:Wings of Change.

Balto Lines....

Aleu: I knew there was something wrong with me.

Balto: There is nothing wrong with you. You have a proud heritage.

Aleu: Oh, sure.

Balto: Your mother is a pure-bred husky.

Aleu: Then what are you?

Balto: I-I'm the one who's part wolf.

Aleu: How could this happen?

Balto: Look. Aleu. My dad was a husky who... had pups with a wolf.

Aleu: Great. My grandmother was a wild animal? Did the wolf teach you how to know when a human wants to kill you?

Balto: I was accidentally separated from her when I was young, so I never spent much time with... the wolf. I remember that she was as white as snow, and she had this warm voice that made me feel safe. Well, then Boris took me in, and, after being raised by a goose it's a wonder I don't honk instead of bark.

Aleu: Why didn't you tell me this before?

Balto: Because I wanted to protect you.

Aleu: Protect me? From what? From the fact that no human will ever want me because I'm part wild animal?

Balto: Aleu.

Aleu: And what about my brothers and sisters? They've got wolf in them, too. Why did humans want them?

Balto: Because they don't look it,


Balto: and you do.

Aleu: It's not fair. I hate you!

[jumps off the boat crying]

Balto: Aleu? Aleu, come back!

Aleu: Leave me alone!

[runs away crying]

Balto: Jenna.

Jenna: Balto, what are you doing here so early? Is Aleu alright?

Balto: I don't know. I was hoping she was with you. She's... kinda mad at me.

Jenna: Stay there.

[runs outside]

Jenna: Now tell me what happened.

Balto: [hops down from stack of crates] A hunter took aim at her.

Jenna: [gasps]

Balto: No, no. Don't worry. We got away. But I... finally had to tell her how humans see her.

Jenna: You mean you told her about being part...?

Balto: Yes. I should've done it sooner. I know that now. She's so angry with me. She must've run away.

Jenna: Run away?

Balto: I'm sorry, Jenna. I never thought it would turn out this way. I thought I could keep her safe.

Jenna: B-B-But she's not safe, she's running wild!

[starts to follow]

Balto: No, not you, Jenna. This is my fault, and it's something Aleu and I have to work out together. Don't worry. I'll find her.

Balto: Where are you?

Fox: Where are you?

Balto: Here. Keep talking and I'll find you.

Aniu: A cunning trickster.

Fox: You look disappointed.

Balto: Sorry. Just thought you might be a raven.

Fox: And I thought that you might be a hunter, but unlike you, I'm not disappointed. Say, I'll help you find your daughter if you'll help me out of this trap.

Balto: How did you know I was looking for my daughter?

Fox: The raven told me.

Balto: What do you know about the raven?

Fox: Much less than you, I'm sure. Now do we have a deal, or don't we?

Balto: Yes. But no tricks.

[takes rope off fox]

Balto: There. How can you help me find my daughter?

Fox: Easy. By giving you a little push.

[pushes Balto into the water]

Balto: Ahhhhh!


Balto: Why did you do that? Help me!

Fox: Oh, but I did. And now you must help yourself.

Balto: [goes underwater, then surfaces again] Are you crazy? The current is too strong!

Fox: Then let the current take you!

Balto: Boris took me in and, after being raised by a goose it's a wonder I don't honk instead of bark.

Balto: Calm down, Boris. There's also a fox, a wolverine...

Yak: You aren't going

[scratches an itch]

Yak: nowhere!

Aleu: [angrily] It's "anywhere", fleabag.

Balto: Aleu, I hardly think that this is the time to be correcting his grammar.

Balto: So what if I was? It's just a dream.

Balto: How did you get so stubborn?

Aleu: I take after you, remember?

Balto: Come on Aleu, you'll always be my baby, no matter how old you are.

Aleu: You're hopeless.

Balto: I just wanted to protect you.

Aleu: Protect me? From what? From the fact that no human will ever want me because I'm part wild animal? I hate you!

[jumps off the boat, crying]

Balto: Goodbye,


Balto: daughter.

Balto: Face it, Jenna. She looks more like a wolf than me. No human is ever going to want her.

Balto: Aleu may look like a wolf, but she is going to be all dog.

[looks shocked when Aleu howls]

Boris: I wouldn't count on it.

Dingo: Are you gonna get a human, too?

Balto: Nah. You see, humans like cute little puppies like you, not grisly grown-ups like me.

Balto: Oh, Jenna. They're beautiful, just like you.

Balto: What, me forget? Never!


Balto: Hey, pups! It's good to see you, too!

Balto: How about they spend the night with me, then tomorrow we can all go on a picnic?

Balto: Take it easy there, tiger.

Balto: Come on, being different is painful. Nobody knows that better than me. You know how some of the dogs around here still tease me because I'm half wolf?

Balto: It's been a long day, Jenna. Let's go home.

Aleu: We have to jump!

Balto: But we'll be killed!

Aleu: We'll be killed if we don't!

[pushes Balto off the cliff, then jumps after him]

Balto: At least you're still talking to me!

Aleu: [head tilted, curious] You've been following a raven?

Balto: Yeah. I know it sounds dumb.

Balto: At least we know the raven's on our side.

Balto: If I did that I'd get splinters

Balto: It's been a long day, Jenna. Let's go home.

Jenna: Not until a human adopts Aleu!

Balto: Face it, Jenna. She looks more like a wolf than me. No human is ever going to want her.

Jenna: That's not true! We have to keep trying.

Aleu: I'm not a wild animal.

Balto: He... he thought you were.

Terrier: There you are, laddies! I've been sniffin' all over for ye! The stork has landed. I repeat, the stork has landed!

Balto: Jenna? Jenna!

[runs toward the building Jenna's in]

Boris: What stork? I thought we were talking about raven.

[sudenly realizes]

Boris: Oh boy, *that* stork. I'm coming, Balto!

Balto: Boris, I hate it when you get dramatic.

Balto: Mush!

[the wolves stare at him]

Balto: I-I-I mean, move out!

Balto: I've led a dog team before, but never a wolf pack.

Balto: It's just so hard to let my baby go.

Aleu: I'm not your...


Aleu: Oh. So I'll always be your baby.

Balto: She's a good pup.

Boris: Good, yes. Pup, no.

Balto: I'm going to find Aleu and bring her home!

Balto: No time to argue! I'm your father, you do what I say!

Aleu: And I say I'm too big to be ordered around!

Balto: Come on, now! Uncle Boris isn't a chew toy!

Balto: Dreams don't mean anything, Boris. They're just

[starting to yawn]

Balto: dreams.


Balto: I just don't want her to be different.

Boris: But she *is* different, and vive la difference!

Yak: Sorry, but you're not going

[scratches an itch]

Yak: nowhere!

Aleu: [angrily] It's "anywhere", fleabag.

Balto: [out of the corner of his mouth] Aleu, I hardly think this is the time to be correcting his grammar.

Nava the Wolf Shaman: I simply became one with the tree.

Balto: If I tried that, I'd get splinters.

Balto: When the right time comes, she'll... find a home.

Boris: Yes, but when the right time comes, will you let her?

Balto: I'll go.

Aleu: No. You don't belong here. You belong home, with my mother. But I *do* belong here. It's my destiny.

Nava the Wolf Shaman: [to Balto] Aniu told me it would be the one who is wolf but does not know. I believed it was you, but I was wrong. It is your daughter.

Balto: Are you sure?

Aleu: [nods]

Balto: It's just... so hard to let my baby go.

Aleu: Papa, I'm not your... okay. So I'll always be your baby. Goodbye, papa. Tell mom... I've finally found my home.


Balto: [climbing onto the ice floe; an angry look is on his face] Niju! Leave her be!

Aleu: Papa! You should be with the rest of the clan! You've got to lead them across!

Balto: I will! Once I take care of him!

Balto: Aleu! Are you alright?

Aleu: Yes! You go on with the rest of the pack! I'll get Nava!

Balto: [quietly] Be careful, Aleu.

Balto: This has gone too far, Aleu, and it isn't our battle.

Aleu: But papa, I saw caribou!

Balto: Look, this could get very dangerous. Despite my dreams or anything else, I will not put you in any danger.

Aleu: But this isn't just about us anymore, papa. This is about something bigger. Don't you see? We're supposed to help them. I'm sorry, but whether I stay or go should be my decision.

Balto: That wind is a sign that winter's coming early. Your mother will be worried sick. We both leave in the morning.

Aleu: Why did you come and find me?

Balto: I came to bring you home, Aleu.

Aleu: No. I don't wanna go home. Not until I find out who I am.

Balto: That's ridiculous, Aleu. You know who you are.

Aleu: No. I know *what* I am, but not

[short pause]

Aleu: *who* I am, and I'm not stopping until I find out.

Balto: Then I'm coming with you.

Aleu: [sweetly] Oh, papa.

Balto: I'll hold him off and you run for it!

Aleu: No, *I'll* hold him off and *you* run for it!

Balto: There's no time to argue! I'm your father, you do what I say!

Aleu: And I say that I'm too big to be ordered around!

Balto: How did you get so stubborn?

Aleu: I take after you, remember?

Balto: She's a good pup.

Boris: Good, yes. Pup, no. At more than year old, Aleu should have home of her own.

Balto: When the right time comes... she'll find a home.

Boris: Yes, but when the right time comes, will you let her?


Boris: Oy, I hope so.

Jenna: But it's their time now. Why, I was their age when I was adopted by my girl.

Balto: But I don't think I can let them go, Jenna. Not yet.

Jenna: Balto, each of our children have their own lives to live. It's our job to love them, and then...

Boris: [in the background] LET GO!

Jenna: If we wait any longer, it will be harder for them to find homes. You know how humans have a soft spot for puppies.

Balto: Yeah. And so do I.

Wolverine 2: Stop following the raven.

Wolverine 1, Wolverine 2, Wolverine 3: [vanishing into thin air] Don't go!

Balto: It's almost like they were... never there.

Balto: [to Aleu about Niju] His blood may be pure but his motives aren't.

Balto: [Aniu appears to Balto, changing from a raven to a white wolf]


Balto: Now what?

Aniu: Only the journey home, my son.

Balto: Aniu? You're my -

[Aniu smiles and nods, then howls and disappears with the wind]

Balto: Goodbye to you, too... mother.

Balto: We don't have much time, so mush!

Wolf pack: Huh?

Balto: [realizing that a wolf pack wouldn't know what mush means] I mean, move out!

Balto (1995)

Balto: [smiles] Jenna!

[runs toward her and plays]

Balto: Don't talk to me, Jenna. I might turn on you.

[walks away]

Balto: I was the fastest dog.

Steele: You were the fastest


Steele: what?

Balto: I'm beginning to see there isn't anything you can't do

Boris: I'm seeing a few things too, and it's making the ice melt... I HATE BEARS!

Balto: See this? It's the Polar Ice Caps?

Jenna: Balto, those are broken bottles, and they're not half-empty, they're all empty.

Balto: The sun, and to the north

Jenna: Oh, Balto. It's beautiful.

Balto: Yeah, Beautiful

Jenna: It's so gloomy down here.

Balto: Gloomy? You kiddin'? It's the most beautiful spot in the world. Dogs travel for years just to be right here.

Jenna: I can't see why.

Balto: That's 'cause you're looking at the bowl half empty. See, this is the polar ice caps.

[pushes a pile of broken bottles]

Jenna: Balto, those are broken bottles, and they're not half empty, they're *all* empty.

Balto: [motioning toward the grate that's overhead] The sun...

Jenna: Balto...

Balto: [continuing] ... and, to the north...

Jenna: The Northern Lights! Balto, you were right. It's beautiful.

Balto: Yeah, beautiful.

Boris: [watching Balto scratch a tree] Good work, Balto. You took on the biggest, meanest tree in whole forest, and you won.

Balto: I'm marking the trail.

Luk: [to Muk] He's marking our trail. That's very clever.

Boris: And here I was leaving bread crumbs.

Balto: Since when do you need a pedigree to help someone?

Boris: They wouldn't put you on a sled team even if you did win.

Balto: Wish me luck.

Boris: I don't wish you luck. I wish you sense.


Boris: Good luck, kiddo.

Steele: Didn't make the team, Bingo?

Boris: Don't look at him. Don't listen to him. Live a long life.

Balto: My name's Balto.

Boris: But you can call him "Idiot."

Boris: This wolf business again. What is wrong with being half and half, I like to know? Sometimes I wish like crazy I was half eagle.

Balto: Why?

Boris: Better profile for one thing, and no one eats you for another.

Balto: Big paws run in my family, at least one side of my family.

Balto: I have the keys to the city.

[disables hinges and pushes the door open; shows Jenna in]

Balto: After you.

Jenna: [noticing Balto's paws] Balto.

Balto: Big paws run in my family. At least... one side of my family.

Balto: [leading Jenna through boiler room] Stick close.

Jenna: No problem there.

Boris: So, let's go get medicine.

Balto: Wait a minute. Now you're coming?

Boris: Spending days in bitter cold, facing wild animals, risking death from exposure...


Boris: is like holiday in old country.

Balto: Boris, did you ever think you're the reason the other geese fly south?

Boris: If only your feet were as fast as your mouth.

Luk: Help. Help. We can't swim. Help, help. We're drowning, we're drowning. Save us.

Boris: Bears? Fellas? IDIOT BALLS OF FLUFF?

Balto: Easy, Boris. You know how they are.

[to Muk and Luk, who are thrashing and yelling in the water]

Balto: Muk. Luk. Relax. Come on you're OK you're not drowning.

[to Muk and Luk whose yells and thrashes have subsided]

Boris: [with Russian accent] He has point bears. You are not drowning because; if you had thought for a moment you will observe, perhaps: TIDE IS OUT.

[stomps away, annoyed]

Musher: Let's take a look at our winner here. Let's take a look at our winner.

Balto: Ahhhhh.

[after Steele steps on Balto's foot]

Musher: Well, we can't trust this one. He's part wolf. The team might turn on me.

Other Musher: Look at those teeth.

Balto: I'm not watching the race, I'm running it.

Balto: Steele, let me help you.

Jenna: Are you okay?

Balto: Are you you okay?

Balto: I'm coming back

[short pause]

Balto: with the medicine.

Steele: Didn't make the team, Bingo?

Balto: My name's Balto.

Steele: I'm sorry, Balto. Balto half-breed.

Star: [menacingly] Ha ha ha!

Balto: Jenna?

[clears throat]

Balto: Jenna?

Jenna: [looking at Rosy through the window] Balto. Oh, hi.

Balto: Hi. Look, uh... just a shot in the dark, but I was wondering if, uh... I-I don't know, maybe you'd like to go chase a few sticks by moonlight?

Balto: [about Jenna] She's not my type.

Balto: Go ahead, guys. Take her home.

Balto: I'm coming back


Balto: with the medicine.

Balto: Is anyone hurt?

Steele: Everyone


Steele: is


Steele: fine.

Steele: Hey goose, you a half-breed too, huh? Part turkey?

Nikki: Good wordplay there, boss!

Kaltag: You are the wittiest, you are the drollest, the cleverest, the sharpest, you are the most hilariousest!

Star: You crack me up! Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha!

[gets bonked on the head by Kaltag]

Star: Ha, ha ha ha ha! Whoopee!

[falls down dizzily]

Balto: Steele, just leave him out of this.

Nikki: [in the background] Woah-hoah-hoah! Oh yeah.

Steele: Oh, Balto.

[slaps Balto twice with his tail as he turns]

Steele: I've got a message for your mother.

[walks over to Nikki, Kaltag, and Star]


[Nikki, Kaltag, and Star laugh, then howl with Steele]


Steele, Nikki, Kaltag, Star: ARRROOOOOOOO!


Kaltag: Hey, Balto! Translate this for me, will ya? Yeah, yeah!


Star: Hey, what's wolf for 'Go chase your tail'?


[Steele, Nikki, Kaltag, and Star see Balto approaching them, growling; they stop howling]

Steele: Get him.

[Nikki, Kaltag, and Star start barking]

Steele: Get out of here, wolfdog. You better get back to your own pack!

[spits on Balto]

Boris: Maybe we go now, huh? Now!

[Steele and the others turn around and kick snow at Balto as Boris pushes him away]

Steele: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Kaltag: I think that Balto's friend has got his feathers ruffled.

Star: [says something barely understandable] Goose! I get it! Ah ha ha ha!

Steele: [kicks a stone at Balto, knocking him into a pile of junk]

Nikki: Half wolf in the side pocket there!


Kaltag: He's the most dead center...

Nikki: Yeah!

Kaltag: The most on-target, the most down the middle...

[gets interrupted by Star]

Star: He hit him!

Balto: Come on, we don't want to miss the finish.

Boris: Oh, that would be a tragedy.

[Balto runs off, throwing Boris into the snow]

Boris: I was being sarcastic.

Balto: Aw, come on. What's the worst that can happen?

Balto: [Muk is calling for Boris] How sweet. "Uncle Boris."

Balto: I smell

[sniffs the air]

Balto: herring.

Boris: The herring are flying south too?

Balto: Hey, it must be Muk and Luk!

Boris: Good news.

Luk: [continually] Uncle Boris!

Boris: Oh no.

Balto: How sweet. Uncle Boris.

Balto: Boris, I know you think this trip is crazy, but I'm glad you came.

Jenna: You're going on alone?

Balto: Won't be the first time.

Balto: [being pushed into the ground by the bear and Jenna comes to help] Jenna?

Balto: [he and Steele are fighting] I don't want to fight.

Steele: Hey goose, you a half-breed too, huh? Part turkey?

Nikki: Good wordplay there, boss!

Kaltag: You are the wittiest, you are the drollest, the cleverest, the sharpest, you are the most hilariousest!

Star: You crack me up! Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha!

[gets bonked on the head by Kaltag]

Star: Ha, ha ha ha ha! Whoopee!

[falls down dizzily]

Balto: Steele, just leave him out of this.

Nikki: [in the background] Woah-hoah-hoah! Oh yeah.

Steele: Oh, Balto.

[slaps Balto twice with his tail as he turns]

Steele: I've got a message for your mother.

[walks over to Nikki, Kaltag, and Star]


[Nikki, Kaltag, and Star laugh, then howl with Steele]


Steele, Nikki, Kaltag, Star: ARRROOOOOOOO!


Kaltag: Hey, Balto! Translate this for me, will ya? Yeah, yeah!


Star: Hey, what's wolf for 'Go chase your tail'?


[Steele, Nikki, Kaltag, and Star see Balto approaching them, growling; they stop howling]

Steele: Get him.

[Nikki, Kaltag, and Star start barking]

Steele: Get out of here, wolfdog. You better get back to your own pack!

[spits on Balto]

Boris: Maybe we go now, huh? Now!

[Steele and the others turn around and kick snow at Balto as Boris pushes him away]

Steele: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Kaltag: I think that Balto's friend has got his feathers ruffled.

Star: Feathers! Goose! I get it! Ah ha ha ha!

Steele: [kicks a stone at Balto, knocking him into a pile of junk]

Nikki: Half wolf in the side pocket there!


Kaltag: He's the most dead center...

Nikki: Yeah!

Kaltag: The most on-target, the most down the middle...

[gets interrupted by Star]

Star: He hit him!

Balto: [after Star sneezes] Gesundheit.

Star: [in disbelief; sees Balto sliding down the icy hill] Balto?

Kaltag: Balto! How did you find us?

Balto: Is anyone hurt?

Steele: Everyone


Steele: is


Steele: fine.

Star: Yeah, but our musher hit his head. He didn't get up.

Nikki: And he's not moving.

Balto: Alright. Follow me. I can lead you home.

Steele: We don't need your help.

Star: Maybe we should listen to Balto.

[Steele glares at Star; Star cringes and shuts his mouth]

Nikki: Well... how would you's get us home?

Balto: I marked the trail. Like this.

[scratches a tree; Steele knocks it down]

Steele: *I'll* get us back. *I'm* the lead dog! *I'm* in charge!

Balto: Then let me just take back the medicine. The children are getting sicker.

[looks at the crate on the sled]

Steele: Touch that box, and I'll tear you apart.

Balto: Steele! I'm not leaving without that medicine.

[holding his ground; tries to help with the medicine]

Steele: Who do you think you are?

Balto: Since when do you need a pedigree to help someone?


Balto: Let me help you.

Steele: [minutes later, as Steele watches Balto and the team head toward Nome] Go ahead wolf-dog! You'll never get home! I'll make sure of that!

Star: [Balto has stopped, and is looking at the marked trees; he detects Steele's scent on some of them] Which way, Balto? Which way?

Balto: [looks around desperately] Uh, this way.

[continues leading the team through the forest; sees Steele's scratch-marks on every tree]

Balto: No, it can't be!

Kaltag: Why are you taking us in circles?

Balto: I'm not! I mean... I don't know!

[gesturing toward the marked trees]

Balto: It's Steele!

Nikki: [referring to Steele] Maybe we was better off with him.

Balto: No! Come on! Mush!

[starts running, going a little too fast]

Star: Balto! Slow down! Please!

Doc: [after listening to the telegraph office dog barking] It's terrible, my friends, just terrible. Steele and his team are lost.

Sled dog #1: When?

Sled dog #2: What happened?

Sled dog #3: What do you mean, lost?

Doc: They've missed their second checkpoint. They're off the trail.

[the other dogs lower their heads, saddened by the news]

Wild Joe: Can't they send another team?

Doc: It's too dangerous.

Chester: But... what about the little ones?

Doc: The medicine won't be here in time. We're going to lose them.

Balto: [silently; looking into the building] Rosy.

Steele: Okay... Nikki, Kaltag, Star. Gear up. We're heading out.

Balto: Wait a minute. Steele, I was the fastest dog out there.

Steele: You were the fastest... what? If you think any musher in their right mind would put you on their team... well, you're even more mixed up than I thought.

Jenna: Steele! It doesn't matter who's on the team! As long as the medicine gets through! Stop being such a glory hound!

Steele: You're a hundred percent right, Jenna. I - I - wasn't thinking about those children. The important thing here is to get the medicine through. And that's just what I'm gonna do.

[Aside, to Balto]

Steele: And when I get back, I'm gonna fold you five ways and leave you for a cat toy.

Musher: Let's take a look at our winner here!

[Steele stomps on Balto's foot, causing him to growl in pain, bearing his teeth]

Musher: We can't trust him. He's part wolf. He might turn on me. Nikki, Kaltag, Star!

[Steele smiles deviously at Balto, then walks away]

Jenna: Balto...

Balto: [depressed] Don't talk to me, Jenna. I might turn on you.

Steele: Hey goose, you a half-breed too, huh? Part turkey?

Nikki: Good wordplay there, boss!

Kaltag: You are the wittiest, you are the drollest, the cleverest, the sharpest, you are the most hilariousest!

Star: You crack me up! Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha!

[gets bonked on the head by Kaltag]

Star: Ha, ha ha ha ha! Whoopee!

[falls down dizzily]

Balto: Steele, just leave him out of this.

Nikki: [in the background] Woah-hoah-hoah! Oh yeah.

Steele: Oh, Balto.

[slaps Balto twice with his tail as he turns]

Steele: I've got a message for your mother.

[walks over to Nikki, Kaltag, and Star]


[Nikki, Kaltag, and Star laugh, then howl with Steele]


Steele, Nikki, Kaltag, Star: ARRROOOOOOOO!


Kaltag: Hey, Balto! Translate this for me, will ya? Yeah, yeah!


Star: Hey, what's wolf for 'Go chase your tail'?


[Steele, Nikki, Kaltag, and Star see Balto approaching them, growling; they stop howling]

Steele: Get him.

[Nikki, Kaltag, and Star start barking]

Steele: Get out of here, wolfdog. You better get back to your own pack!

[spits on Balto]

Boris: Maybe it's just fear talking, but I am seeing wisdom in this advice. Maybe we go now, huh? Now!

[Steele and the others turn around and kick snow at Balto as Boris pushes him away]

Steele: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Kaltag: I think that Balto's friend has got his feathers ruffled.

Star: Feathers! Goose! I get it! Ah ha ha ha!

Steele: [kicks a stone at Balto, knocking him into a pile of junk]

Nikki: Half wolf in the side pocket there!


Kaltag: He's the most dead center...

Nikki: Yeah!

Kaltag: The most on-target, the most down the middle...

[gets interrupted by Star]

Star: He hit him!

Balto III: Wings of Change (2004) (V)

Kirby: What is that thing?

[looking at the plane]

Ralph: Watch it, Balto.

Kodi: Daaaaad, don't go getting any ideas.

[as Balto hops into the plane]

Balto: Me? You think I'd just hop in and go for a flight?

Kodi: Yes.

Balto: You're right. I would if I could.

Balto: He's like the father I never had.

Balto: Nobody quits on my team! Nobody!

Muc and Luc: [talking about the 'monster'] It was louder than a wild-eyed grizzly!

Balto, Jenna: [looking at each other, panicked] The bushplane!

Balto: I thought the difference was that only one has a heart.

Balto: [about Boris] He may be a pain in the butt.

Balto: [about the plane, which has just landed] It's here! My God, it's here!

Balto: Come on, Dusty. You got it!

Ralph: You can beat that plane paws down now that you're lead dog.

Balto: Listen.

Kirby: We're behind ya one hundred percent, Balto!

Kodi: If anyone can do it, you can!

Balto: Everyone listen. I-I've seen it fly. I-I just think we have to consider the possibility...

Kirby: Let's do the call!

[Kirby and the other dogs howl except Balto]

Balto: [nearly backs into Kodi, then runs off]

Boris: Is terrible. I'm going on date with gorgeous goose.

Balto: Now that *is* scary.

Boris: [having apparently succeeded after numerous failed attempts to conquer acrophobia] Ah! What do you know? I am flying. Ha-haaa! I am one hot goose!

Balto: I'm not sure Stella's gonna see it that way.

[Boris flies past about a foot off the ground]

Balto: I've known Boris since I was a pup. Well, he may be a pain in the butt, but he's... well, he's the dad I never had.

Balto: Son, there are more important things than your job. That man is out there probably freezing to death and you're just here sitting, doing nothing about it. Good day to you SIR!

Kodi: But dad! I don't even think he's out there! And even if he was, he tried to steal our jobs! He is the ENEMY!

Balto: That is no excuse. You think your job is worth more than a life?


Balto: I thought you were better than that!


Kodi: [sighs] I'm sorry, dad.

Ralph: Are you ready? I'm ready! Are you ready? 'Cause I'm ready!

Balto: Something tells me he's ready.

Kodi: This is gonna be great, dad.

Balto: I thought you missed me too much.

Balto: I thought you missed me.

Jenna: Always.

Balto: Looks like the mail finally arrived today.

Jenna: [chuckles] Very funny, Balto. You *know* Kodi is proud of his new job.

Balto: Right on time, son.

Balto: [to mail team] This is serious. Now look, that plane is out there somewhere. And we're the only ones who can help.

Kirby: Well, that just proves our point. The difference between a dog and a machine is: dogs are tough and reliable.

Balto: I thought the difference was that only one has a heart.

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